Project KONGOR Code of Conduct

A player may face suspension for any individual report made against them after the proper routine evaluation of the case. If multiple reports are made against the same player but took place within the same match, only the outcome of the first report is considered valid and the one that applies.

If a player is reported for multiple matches, they are eligible to be suspended for every match in which they have broken the rules and been reported. Any player in the match is subject to review and can be suspended if rules are being broken. Each violation of the code of conduct will increase the suspension duration accordingly.

Game Masters will only assign themselves to reports with provided timestamps and will not go through the entire replay. If the report is about "verbal abuse," please provide a timestamp from the first occurrence.

Note that VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is not recorded in the replay, an external recording must be provided if you want to include VOIP in your report.

Interested community members can apply to become a Game Master at the following link:

Players are not entitled to a second review on their report and/or appeal if it has been concluded. This is up to the senior Game Master's discretion for future investigation of the report.

Reports That Will Be Reviewed Must Include The Following:

  • Timestamps for the accusations. Please indicate whether it's an in-game or replay timestamp.
  • If screenshots are added to a report, they must be submitted in fullscreen.
  • Only one match ID per report (unless serial leaving).
  • You must have played in the match ID and your name and the accused player's name must be found within that match ID.
  • Multiple occasions must be supported with timestamps for each event.
  • A clear summary of the incident must be provided.

To submit a report, use the following link and fill out the form:

Reports That Will Be Rejected Without Notice:

  • We require proper reports that Game Masters can easily review and make a proper verdict. If you are not willing to spend a few minutes making the report, why should game masters spend 10+ minutes watching the replay?
  • Maliciously mass-producing reports with missing information that is required and/or duplicated information (2+ Suspension Days).

Intent To Lose (4+ Suspension Days):

  • Refusal to participate.
  • Excessively farming the jungle without providing a clear positive benefit towards the team.
  • Avoiding AFK detection by performing actions that give the impression of playing the game.
  • Intentionally or maliciously feeding your own hero, pet, courier, or disconnected heroes.
  • Calling out teammates positioning to enemies, causing a negative outcome.
  • Stealing neutral creeps/camps with malicious intent and/or causing a negative impact to the game.
  • Auto-following teammates with the malicious intent of farming their lanes.
  • Waiting unnecessarily long to cast spells or use items to get hero kills multiple times (2+ times).
  • Intentionally preventing allies to stack neutrals.
  • Saving up a considerable amount of gold without any beneficial reason for the team.
  • Maliciously auto-attacking low-HP ally-owned units to death.
  • Any kind of griefing, other bad-faith actions, or behavior that intentionally annoys other players and/or has a negative impact on the outcome of the game.
  • Excessive repetitive smart-griefing.

High MMR Council (4+ Suspension Days):

  • The High MMR Council is a council of high rated GMs that will handle reports for Smart-Griefing against 1800+ MMR players, including exceptions deemed fit by the High MMR Council. Each report will have multiple reviews conducted by its members.
  • Reports will be handled more strictly to protect both the players and the integrity of the game at the appropriate MMR bracket.
  • Please provide as much detail as possible when reporting to strengthen your case.

Lane Stealing (4+ Suspension Days):

  • You must call a lane before the banning phase ends if you want to claim it. The lane claiming phase ends when the game announces "Begin Picking Phase".
  • A fullscreen screenshot must be taken after the game has announced the “Begin Picking Phase”. If the game has started, a screenshot can be taken by pressing Z and then scrolling chat all the way up to show /lane calls. Otherwise, the report will be rejected. Screenshots taken from the “status” window will also be rejected.
  • If a player below your MMR steals a lane you claimed by typing in the chat during the banning phase, a screenshot is not required as evidence.
  • If orange or brown called the lane by typing before the banning phase ends, then no screenshot is required.
  • In case several players call the same lane, the player with a higher MMR can claim the lane.
  • Once the banning phase has ended, lane calls are permanent unless communicated with allies and an agreement has been reached.
  • Calling a lane after the banning phase has ended will not override a previous lane call for the same role.
  • When long lane is called, it's farm by default unless a higher MMR claims it before the picking phase starts.
  • After the banning phase ends and the picking phase begins, any uncalled lane can be claimed by a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Each player has to claim their lane/role individually. This means that if you are the highest MMR, and you're queuing with a friend, you are not allowed to call the lane for your friend.
  • Claiming the jungle role means that you must go to the jungle. Not doing so can be suspendable.
  • Currently, using both lane commands and writing lane calls in the chat is a viable option to claim a lane. However, lane commands are not shown in the replay at this moment. Therefore, evidence must be provided to prove lane call priority when a dispute occurs.
  • There is currently a known bug that might show the wrong MMR rating, but colors are always correct, i.e., orange and brown are always the highest MMR even if the numbers say otherwise.
Lane commands
  • Middle Lane: /l mid
  • Short Carry: /l farm, short farm, short, short carry
  • Short Support: /l support, sup, sup short, short sup, short support
  • Off Lane: /l long, long farm, long support, sui, off-lane
  • Jungle: /l jungle, jg
  • Roam: /l roam

Verbal Abuse (1-7+ Suspension Days):

While engaging in any form of communication, be it through text chat or voice interactions, it is your responsibility to be mindful of your expression. Refrain from using language that may be considered offensive, vulgar, or deeply inappropriate towards other players.

Grossly inappropriate remarks, especially those involving sensitive topics such as familial relations, or highly explicit content, may result in an immediate suspension regardless of the context or intent. Avoid any statements that could be interpreted as harmful or offensive, as they will not be tolerated.

An internal tier-based point system is used to calculate if the violation(s) will lead to a suspension. If you are unsure about a word or phrase that you think will result in a suspension, then you should probably not use it.

Hate Speech & Threats (7+ Suspension Days):

The use of Hate Speech and discriminatory language towards other players is unacceptable. This includes any insults or harassment targeting personal characteristics, including race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, socioeconomic status, etc.

The use of Threats towards other players is also unacceptable. This includes suggesting or imploring self-harm, wishing terminal illness, threatening harm or death towards players or their families, etc.

Ability Abuse (5+ Suspension Days):

The use of Abilities with the goal of undermining the overall gaming experience for other players is not allowed.

This includes but is not limited to actions such as using abilities to intentionally endanger an allied player or result in their death. Additionally, using abilities to prevent a positive outcome for the team or to benefit the opposing team.

Item Abuse (3-7+ Suspension Days):

The use of Items with the goal of undermining the overall gaming experience for other players is not allowed.

This includes but is not limited to intentionally destroying or selling items in order to buy other ones in bad faith or purchasing droppable items with the intent of providing them to the enemy team. Additionally, placing wards in illogical locations, such as in the pool, neutral creep spawns, or within tower range.

Serial Leaving (4 Suspension Days):

  • If a player leaves three or more games within 48 hours (sub-accounts included).
  • The reporter does not have to have been in said matches to report for this violation.

Staff Impersonation / harassment (7+ Suspension Days / Removal from Project KONGOR Discord / Permanent suspension from Heroes of Newerth):

  • Any player that explicitly claims they are a staff member, implying they have a specific role inside Project KONGOR, is subject to this rule.
  • Acting in a manner that intentionally misleads others into believing they have staff authority or the ability to issue suspensions or bans.
  • Threat via staff proxy (e.g., "I know X, and you'll get banned") is considered misrepresentation and falls under this rule.
  • Saying "I will ban you" or similar casual remarks does not automatically violate this rule unless there is clear evidence of intent to deceive or impersonate staff.
  • Saying "You will be banned" or "You will be reported" does not violate this rule.
  • Harassing any staff member on Discord, in-game or in any other platforms.
  • Engaging in abusive or sexist behavior towards any staff member.
  • Creating accounts referencing to any staff member (Account name, Account image or Clan name).

Stat Manipulation (7 Suspension Days + Main account disabled):

  • Skewed stats that suggest a player's rank is better or worse than shown are subject to review.
  • Leaving matches to lower your MMR or give "free MMR" to an enemy player or team.
  • Losing and/or dying to another enemy player or team to increase or decrease your win rate, MMR, KDR, etc.
  • Trading wins with other players and/or teams.
  • Multiboxing (VM or real hardware).
  • Heavy offenses result in the removal of the main account and sub-accounts.

Cheating (7+ Suspension Days):

  • Account sharing, bug abuse, intentional cliff walking abuse, hacks, exploits, or ban evasion are all prohibited.
  • Stream sniping/ghosting to gain an advantage while playing, mentoring, etc., is prohibited. Queueing to play a match with streamers, other players, etc., is allowed.
  • Bypassing active suspensions or the 1 account system will result in the main account and sub-account(s) to be permanently disabled along with any other bypasser accounts.

Inappropriate Account Name, Account Icon, or Clan Name (Account disabled):

  • Any player who creates an account with an offensive (including profanity), racist, homophobic, sexist, vulgar, insinuating, repulsive, or nudity-containing name or uploads a custom account icon with such content will have their account disabled.
  • Using another player's face as your account icon is strictly prohibited (It's allowed if done with consent). If verified, severe punishments will be enforced. You are allowed to use images of famous people, memes, or other popular figures.
  • All forms of military references are not allowed, this includes Account Images, Account Names, or Clan Names.

All the rules in this document are subject to future changes at the staff's discretion without notice.